My first design project

When i was attending second year in college, my uncle approached me to help creating a brand identity for his new business. After a lengthy discussion about the brand we came to agree that the mountain lion i.e. Cougar will be the mascot for the brandmark.As every first attempt goes, it was one of the most time consuming project for me to work on since i do not have the knowledge of graphic design fundamentals, sketching the rough concept nor having enough experience to foster a clear mental image of the design layouts. To put it bluntly, i do not know how to begin with the logo design process at that time, so i took a few Youtube logo design tutorials and start finding an image of a Cougar on internet to trace it. It took me a couple of hours to find a reference that suits the logo idea, then i painfully traced the Cougar head with a pen tool and it was very difficult for the casual Ai user to manipulate the curves and shapes. After hours of trying and adding a realistic cartoony look, i finished the artwork which looked nearly as the same as the final product. The rest of the design did not made me very difficult as i already had the idea to make it a simple combination mark logo. The process ended a few days after some suggesstions and tweaks, uncle was satisfied with how the design turns out. He remarked that the Cougar’s mannerism depict having zeal and confidence to catch his prey, which the logo help present these qualities to his new business.


Main Logo




Business Card